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Wilde Elixir

Ground, Protect & Cleanse | Sage, Palo Santo and Crystal Ground + Protect Cleansing Kit

Ground, protect and cleanse, with our Protect and Cleanse Kit - The perfect companion to set your meditation scene.


I N C L U D E D:
1x Sage Bundle 10cm
1x Palo Santo Stick
1x Black Obsidian Crystal 

S A G E:
Smudging, or burning sage, involves burning dried white sage and using its smoke to purify a space, an object, or a person. Lighting up a stick of sage can help establish a positive environment for meditation or another ritual, setting the scene for grounding, protection and connection.

~~ At Wilde Elixir, we proudly source our sage ethically from privately owned farms. 


P A L O   S A N T O
Palo Santo, with its sweet and woody aromatic scent, is the ultimate companion to sage. Once you've cleared out that old energy with your sage, lighting up your stick of Palo Santo is said to attract fresh and positive energy. Like sage, a little goes a long way so remember to use it sparingly.

Fun fact - Palo Santo has also been shown to be an effective insect repellent! The essential oil of Palo Santo, which is mainly composed of limonene is a substance that has been shown to have insecticide properties.

~~ All Palo Santo is sustainably sourced and ethically wildcrafted.


B L A C K   O B S I D I A N
Used for grounding and protection, black obsidian if your knight in shining armour. A beautiful natural stone, formed by cooled volcanic lava, this powerful gem wards off those lower frequency energies so you can breathe easy.
